Monday, May 7, 2007

Club 30's 'Zam-zam... Alakazam Murtabak Outing!!!!

This is yet another get together for Missy (just 2 days after the Carnivore outing *blush* )

Location: Zam-Zam Restaurant, Bugis (opposite the Sultan Mosque)

Ok, this is the aftermath, and not all Gluttons in the picture but still........ Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Gluttons that Turned up :
1. Wile E Fudgie
2. Bear
3. Elindra (Pinkybear)
4. av
5. Rhonda
6. Ferret (Photographer that day)
7. Wanda
8. bladez87
9. Ah Lau (Bananaman)
10. Pitot
11. Kuali Baba (Photographer that day)
12. stellazio
13. SevenEleven
14. Hisoka
15. Papercut

The Food! (Not all of course!)

Sliced Cucumbers in Ketchup

Chicken and Mutton Murtabaks

More Food...................

Really yummy strawberries which Wanda bought for us!

Wait! That is not all! AV brought these hooks he bought to show us. We had a good laugh

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