Saturday, November 24, 2007

Steamboat w/ Table BBQ & Dim Sum

Our furry Ferret wanted a steamboat outing at Marina South. She didn't join us for the Fishhead Steamboat outing because.....uhmmmm....Fishhead is too disgusting?? Scary?? *shrugs*

A good quote from 'No Reservations by Anthony Bourdain' as pointed out by Bear:

"There are no "good" and "bad" ingredients in China. THere are the easy - usually expensive - ingredients. And then there's the real stuff - the stuff where it took maybe a few centuries of trial and error to figure out how to make it good or discover what was good about it all along. Great French chefs know, for instance, that the fish's head is the best part. But they would seldom dare to serve it. In French restaurants in the US, they literally can't give it away. In China, cooks take it for granted that you will prefer the head. Who wouldn't? Chinese cooks and chefs are used to preparing food for customers who know what the fuck they're eating: what's good, where it's good, and when it's good... "

Anyway, I had to skip this outing as I had to go out with Mr Pinky Bear

Gluttons - Around S$13/pax!
1. Bear (Photographer of the night)
2. Zora
3. AV (Other Photographer of the night)
4. LotusFairy
5. ViciousKitty
6. Tamago
7. 7-11
8 Ferret
9. Ah Lau the Evil Banana
10. Agenda
11. Dead_Man_Inc
12. Bluejuice
13. Ah Gui

Since there is no picture of the place they went I guess this picture would give a vague idea of the surroundings Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

7-11 actually 'tabao-ed' the nice braised pork he told us about during our earlier Fish Head Steamboat outing for the Gluttons that turned up to try.

The Food (Uncooked)

Bacon (Yummy!)

And more bacon ........

Poor Crab Victims

Crab victims heading to the table unaware of impending doom

More crab victims

Hmmmm crab roe erhmmm brains?

Look at all the gooey goodness in the crab!!

Prawns~~ Prawns~~

Quail Eggs :)~

Mussels and Cockles

The Cook Out Begins!!

Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble

Overview of the cook out going on

Sizzling liver and Some kind of meat

Applying heat to the bacon

More sizzling bacon

Chao Tar Chicken DrumletsPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And the cooking continues .....................

Assorted Meat

Prawn Torture Chamber

Make it a crab torture chamber too

I 2nd that! It sure sux to be a crab!!!

Squid in too much butter (I know I know there is no such thing as too much butter)

Mussel 'boiled' in butter

A lonely cockle on the hotplate

A delicious looking cockle

So after the steamboat dinner, some of them Gluttons decided to head over to Sentosa to chill out.


A funny warning signboard

Cafe Del Mar


Wait! This is not the end yet! Our brave Gluttons decide that after the trip to Sentosa, they should carry on eating!! They ended up at this Taiwanese eatery next to the Cheese Prata shop at Fong Seng. I understand from them that it is not very good and not recommended at all but you can still enjoy the picturesPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Xiao Long Bao

Some Soup Noodle thingy

Some sort of noodle

No idea what this is

Eggplants with Potatoes?


From what I understand, our gluttons didn't leave for home till 4am in the morning!!

Written by: Elindra who had to miss this outing :(

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